

Palatable Reads: Literature Seasoned with the Flavors of Taiwan

Slow Eats Living Set Meal


Living your life in a hurry for so many years, how many times have you inhaled something just to fill your stomach? It's time to stop, adjust your breathing, and slow down. Winter melon gradually grows clear as it cooks, and its transformation mirrors all of life's moments. The stock simmers over a low-heat, and kaoliang is distilled in time and memory. These things are worth tasting with an attention to detail, which allows the mellow and rich flavors to tickle your tongue. Slow living is about savoring flavors and thinking deeply, it's the mindset of living out your own vitality.




 Stock 湯 頭


Soup stock is a soul tempered in time. Time lengthens the flavorful aftertaste. What costs the most is having the patience to talk with your ingredients.

◖ Mi-Guo, "Stock is Intention Boiled, not Chemical Additive Magic" One Person's Homely Fare, 2015

About the Author:
Mi-Guo is a writer of novels and essays. She is an avid user of the Internet. Originally from Tainan, she likes baseball and Japanese detective novels. Her works include Living Together in Taipei and If It Was a Homesickness Called Tainan.




 Winter Melon Soup 冬 瓜 盅


I am alone at the moment, carrying a thin slice of winter melon on the way home. I still cook soup the same way as my mother did. In my heart, that beautifully complex winter melon soup is held dear. Sometimes I envy how winter melon becomes transparent after being cooked. How many times do our lives need to be cooked for us to finally understand them clearly?

◖ Zhang Man-ruan "A Thin Slice of Winter Melon" Yellow Croaker Listening to Thunder, 2004


About the Author:
Zhang Man-ruan writes mostly prose and novels, but also writes essays and children's literature. For twenty years since the publication of her first work, The Color of the Deep Ocean, she has been a best-selling author in the Chinese-speaking world. Short stories are the cornerstone of her works. In recent years, she has taken the jump into the field of children's literature and is devoted to the popularization of classic literature by giving classic works a modern makeover.





Kinmen Kaoliang 金 門 高 粱


Only spirits distilled via artillery are particularly awakening. Every drop will make your tongue feel like it licks a bayonet.

◖ Bai Ling, "Kinmen Kaoliang" Yesterday's Meat: Kinmen, Mazu, Green Island, and Other Places, 2000


About the Author:
Bai Ling participated in the Vineyard Poetry Quarterly and Roots Poetry Society in his early years. His poetry deals with reflections on civilization, feelings of the collective, and current events. At the same time, he offers criticisms of society and explores topics such as life, nature, and science-fiction. Ya Xian once said that Bai Ling's poetry displayed characteristics of "elegant writing" and "skilled planning." Bai Ling has poetry collections such as Not a Single Cloud Needs the Boundary of Countries and Bai Ling's New Poems.



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