

In Words We Thrive: The History of the Liberal Arts Publishing Industry in Taiwan

You are a publishing house on your own

We used to love paper, penmanship, and the smell of printed material. However, as we half willingly entered this era of drastic changes in media and information explosion, we have been overwhelmed by all sorts of ambivalent feelings.

Nevertheless, the publication industry serves as a bridge between writing and reading, from printing factories, small laptops and paper, to the cloud. It also plays an essential role in human interactions and social dialogue. It might be the worst of times but it can also be the best of times. As we wallow in nostalgia, we can also hope for a better future thanks to new technologies. The reader is the writer and everyone can produce content through social media. Now anybody can be a publisher! As long as we let our imagination run wild, there will be limitless possibilities despite the rise and fall of the publication industry.



◎ The Cloud (Tsai Kun-lin, Quan Cheng Art Studio)
Poured over with highly transparent EPOXY, the exhibit combines printed text that floats inside. The work shows that tangible printing techniques and tools have evolved into a knowledge system on the cloud in the context of technological advances. Although publication has become rather fragmented, it is filled with freedom. The history of publication has created a new spirit along with the evolution of different media and will continue expanding the vastness of its realm.

A new framework, all about restructuring and making breakthroughs
Image shows