

Small terrace.Grand view garden: Liang-Lou Han Donation Exhibition

The Dialogue between Stars and Souls

What kind of soul's code is flashing in the distant and mysterious starry sky? When Liang-Lou Han travelled and lived in London in 1992, she took an astrology course and finally realized that "astrology" is neither a superstition nor fate, but a tool for reading the world and life. Understanding the mysteries of planetary movements helps us gain insights into the subject of interpersonal problems, pass various tests of life, and understand the relationship between our small world and the universe.


"Introduction to Love in the Twelve Constellations" Han Lianglu Life Astrology Academy, Pumpkin International Co., Ltd.

"Astro Carto Graphy", provided by Chuan-Pin Chu. Astro Carto Graphy is abbreviated as A*C*G; it was founded by Jim Lewis. It is also in the category of "Astrolocality astrology". It mainly selects the appropriate geographical location according to people's birth time to arrange their travel, work, and even immigration. Professor Chuan-Pin Chu said that when Liang-Lou Han was studying horoscopes, the computer hadsn’t been popular, so she would sort out the relevant constellation data and send it to a special drawing company to have A*C*G maps drawn.

The "synastry of the couple" of the astrology transit, provided by Chuan-Pin Chu. This is Liang-Lou Han's "synastry of the couple" arranged by her own and her husband's astrological data. In addition to the astrology transit above, the lower half is a list of the planets in different locations (Taipei, Sydney, LA ...) in different houses, drawn by pencil.

A printed copy of "Transits of the year 1997 for Liang-Lou Han, born 19th of Nov 1958", provided by Chuan-Pin Chu.Liang-Lou Han's 1997 astrology transit. Due to the difference in time and place of birth, each person has his/her own corresponding planets, constellations, aspects and houses. With different astrological movements every year, the fate of a person can be up and down. Liang-Lou Han completed such an astrology transit every year according to her birthday during her learning process of astrology.

The "synastry of the couple" of the astrology transit, provided by Chuan-Pin Chu. This is Liang-Lou Han's "synastry of the couple" arranged by her own and her husband's astrological data. In addition to the astrology transit above, the lower half is a list of the planets in different locations (Taipei, Sydney, LA ...) in different houses, drawn by pencil.

"From "the Castle of Destinies" to understand how Calvino plays Tarot." Manuscript donated by Chuan-Pin Chu. Calvino was a tarot fan. By playing tarot cards, the fate of many individuals and even the fate of the whole human race are put back into the prototype of tarot cards, that is, tarot images constructed by the collective unconscious of human beings. The manuscript was published in the 1999 China Times Openbook Weekly.

Writing Notes of Astrology, donated by Chuan-Pin Chu. It is Liang-Lou Han's notes on writing astrological articles with detailed analysis and annotations for each constellation.



Urban Culture Magician
The Taste of Life
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