

The End of Love, the Start of a Journey

In my heart there is a wall.

When my friend Martin heard that the city government wanted to “rebuild” the Berlin Wall, he felt deep reservations about it. On the night the wall fell down twenty years ago, he left his home in East Berlin, made his way past the crowd and went to West Berlin to look for his sister. He felt as if it took him a very long time to find her. When the door opened, his sister answered with a drowsy look: “Excuse me, who are you?” Each time when Martin described that night, it sounded magic: his body rubbed against movement of tens of thousands of people, his skin was scratched by the gun barrels of the East German soldiers; and the sounds of horns, shouts, and collisions made his hair stand on end. Until he really past checkpoints and could greedily breathe free air of West Berlin, he discovered that tens of thousands of molecules in his body were hollering like every East German person who had yearned for freedom was doing. His clothes were torn, his belt was broken, and only one of his shoes was left. At this moment, he looked back and saw the big tree in his yard on the other side of the wall in East Berlin. Without this wall, it took only a few steps to see his loved ones.

Yet he felt that it had taken him a whole lifetime to walk this path.

Excerpt from “All Berliners” in Rebellious Berlin by Chen Sihong.




I happened to run into the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall while arriving at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The Brandenburg Gate used to be the setting of many historical events. Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, it had been an uninhabited area, full of lookouts, alarms and police officers, between East Berlin and West Berlin. Ten years ago, the Berlin government came here and put up thousands of large dominoes, the patterns of which were drawn by children. In the end, under the witness of several important figures, the wall of dominoes was torn down by the public. This year, the Berlin government hosted hundreds of documentary screenings, exhibition discussions and recitals at seven important historical sites.

At this moment, the symphony orchestra on stage is playing the “Fate” symphony. People are listening to the music quietly. With the majestic music, they feel history and refuse to forget.

Once, I sealed my heart for you, and built a city wall and moat. Now that wall is collapsed and the city is fallen, I am closer to freedom once again.

Bin who changes from shorts to trousers



(Photo credit: Achim Plum)

The only sad man on the lonely boundary.
Curry and bread complete the life with lost love.
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