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We are on strike on this train of love.

The End of Love, the Start of a Journey

We are on strike on this train of love.

The City of Science and Industry in Paris once held an exposition named “The way of life: sleeping”, which brought the slogan “Long live the naps!” to light. At this exposition, it was clarified that a siesta is a physiological need written in the life program. The book On Sleeping and Other Undeniable Pleasures says French people either protest against things, or go on strike. Is it because they fail to remain peaceful? If it is because of bad sleep, then why can't they sleep well? If it is because of lack of relaxation, then why can't they relax well? In the end, working becomes the only criterion.

Excerpt from “The Scheme of the Cuckoo Bird” in Walk Slowly by Wang Shenghong.


I have planned to go and visit the Louvre Palace by metro, but I unexpectedly encounter a great metro strike. The services are greatly reduced, so I had to take the bus instead. Going on strike is very common in France – people from all walks of life can go on strike. There is a website dedicated to publishing information about strikes. The citizens accept widely the inconvenience brought by strikes. They will respect this right even if they disapprove protestors’ demands.

If work can be on strike, can love do it too? Maybe our separation is a strike of emotions, so as to fight for a happier future for both of us. When it is done, we will sail towards different faraway destinations.

On a not yet successful strike Bin




(Photo credit: Ke Songwei)

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