

Craftsmanship / Memory Of Publishing


Publishing's 'true' value is something Yuan-Liou Publishing CEO Jun-wen Wang ponders on the regular.He has come to see the work of publishers as both 'a search for pleasureful change in times of certainty' and 'holding to core values in times of change'.Despite the challenges of drastically changing reading habits, media formats, and distribution channels, the work of publishing remains a four-step process of creation, production, distribution/promotion, and consumption.

The exceptional breadth and depth of Taiwan literature today would not exist without the work and dedication of multiple generations of publishing professionals. We are forever in their debt for their tireless, ideal-driven efforts. A poem by Yu Hsia (Katie Lee) expresses this sentiment well:

As the flower sends forth its progeny,

we too must shun the semantic abyss for simplicity

to arrive in the now … the now that never ends.  

We are all fortunate that these literary artisans held true to their ideals and treated each and every manuscript with the care it deserved.As author Show-foong Chang once remarked:"Trees exist as do the mountains. The land, time, and I exist as well. What better world could you ask for?"As long as these literary artists exist, ours is truly the best of all worlds.

The Illustrated Book of Literary Professionals
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