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Craftsmanship / Memory Of Publishing

Craftsmanship / Memory Of Publishing




Since the advent of typography, publishing has been at the heart and soul of literary dissemination.The ability to print and publish books not only introduced the pleasures of reading far beyond the privileged few who could afford handwritten manuscripts but also bridged authors to their readers, creating deeper and more productive discussions across a myriad of issues and topics.Thus, in the words of NCU Professor Jui-teng Lee,"Publishing is the conduit connecting authors and readers" and the hidden hand behind today's literary scene.

Many "hidden hands" are involved in literary publishing. Editors, book jacket designers, marketing planners, book wholesalers, printers & binders, distributors, and many others play distinctly critical roles in bringing new author works to readers. In Taiwan, generations of professionals have contributed their talents to the publishing endeavor, facing and overcoming unique challenges and, in the process, laying fertile ground for the vibrant literary landscape of today.

